
How does littering and dumping cause water pollution?how does deforestation cause water pollution?

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  1. Deforestation is a cause of water pollution because when there are no plants and trees to absorb all the carbon dioxide we produce, when it rains it will rain acid.

  2. Littering and dumping cause water pollution because everything eventually makes its way to the ocean.  every stream, creek, river all eventually dump into the ocean.  The litter is picked up by the wind and eventually hits water of somekind, thereby polluting it.

    Deforestation is a little bit more subtle but it has nothing to do with acid rain.  Trees and plants are what hold the soil together (specifically their roots) which is why the Malibu Hills in California often have rock slides and mud slides.  Most of the plants were removed so that homes could be built and the plants that are there just don't have the root system to hold the soild together. but back to on topic...

    When the forest is no longer there and it rains all of the loose top soild that is no longer being held together gets washed into rivers, streams and creeks running throughout the formerly forested area.  Thus polluting the water.  Now naturally this happens even when the plants are there to hold the soil together, but not on such a massive scale.

    I would recommend you look up the videos and pictures from the eruption of Mt. St. Helens.  That is not unlike what happens to water near where deforestation has occured.

    The rivers end up clogged with soil which kills the fish and other animals.

    And even more insidious is is plants that actually clean the water.  plants can and do take things out of the water when they drink such as pollutants.  I remember the discovery channel did a thing about how this lake in a city had been condemned because of all the pollutants in it.  This guy set up a floating raft with water plants and the roots in the water.  He also set up a pinwheel on the top of the raft to catch the wind and turn a little propeller under the water designed to stir up the bottom of the lake where the pollutants had settled.  Causing the plants to act as a living filtration system.  The lake recovered and people and animals could use it again.

    That is my two cents.  good luck on your project or whatever.


  3. don't fret about recycling.  It usually costs more to recycle than to landfill.  THink about it, the more the merrier when it comes to havaing to blend a bunch of toxic stuff into other c**p, its all a big pi;e of c**p

  4. 70 % of all contamination comes from organic waste that is mixed in with the trash

    make a compost  heap that is much better to accommodate all house hold organic waste .

    land fills are full of organic waste this becomes breeding grounds for bacterial growth with is the contamination .

    aggro chemicals that are used in farming ,are impregnated  in the soils such as herbicides ,pesticides and fertilizers ,

    when an area is deforested the trees which before absorbed or obstructed water flows are not there anymore to stop the now dried out soils (because there is no protection from Sun ,wind and water erosion ) from washing unobstructed into the rivers and water ways ,where they raise the PH level of the water ,and  a rise in PH is not counteracted by purification methods .

    this results in affecting sexual development embryos in pregnant mother who drink the water and a whole range of  diseases.

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