
How does long distance running effect short distance time.?

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I recently started training for a half marathon. I feel i can complete it under 2 hours when i finish training, but that means a 9 min mile pace.

my question is if i do this how will it effect my short distance times...

Reason i ask, is because I am in the Air Force, and i want to be able to do a half marathon, to say i did it. but we have mandatory Physical Fitness requirements, and i was wondering how the training would effect my 1.5 mile time...

please only answer, if you know for sure.

(my personal answer is that it will improve it as 1.5 mile will seem really short compared to 13 miles, but how does it really compare vs my lactic threshold, my oxygen intake, and my stamina/strength, etc....)




  1. Your endurance will improve. Your lactic threshold and speed endurance may not because they are related more to specific training sessions.

    If you do these 3 sessions once a week as your hard runs and make your other runs your normal recovery runs then you will improve in all areas.

    Mon  3 x 1 mile reps with 5 min. jog between. Could add more reps or reduce jog recovery. Your improvement will show through in the jog recovery. Pace - 2 mile race pace.

    Wed  20-30 min tempo @30 - 60 sec/mile slower then 10km race pace. You should be striding out more like you do in race mode, but it should be easier on the body - get into the rhythm.

    Sat  Timetrial of 5km or 8km Could alternate this each week

    Wed session is an option one and you can do it if you are not too tired.

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