
How does low self-esteem effect your life?

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I'm looking for examples of exactly what low self-esteem does to cause poor quality of life.. You can list several or give a brief explanation. I appreciate all answers.




  1. Low self-esteem is often more about low expectations of yourself or simply not recognising your own value. So I think the best way to challenge your low self esteem is to challenge yourself. Do things you're good at, and do things your're bad at. Surprise yourself!

    The thing is, if you go on repeatedly telling yourself you're rubbish it really will be hard for you not to believe this. So if you just stop doing this, you're half-way there.


  2. Being the mail boy for life instead of being the CEO

  3. You own self esteem has EVERY THING TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE !!!

    You self esteem will have everything to do with how you communicate and deal with your own life.  It affects all your decisions. Your self image is how you see other people.  If you see yourself as not worth much, then you will never expect much, and never receive much.

    Do everything you can do to learn your own self worth. You deserve the best life possible. Love yourself and love others. I got a book online that is personalized and has your name throughout the entire book. It is a great tool to read everyday to get this understanding in your mind and heart that you are worth it !!!  You're concept of you determines your whole life. Look at this book and get one for yourself. Many athletes use it to encourage themselves in a personal way. It is a great tool for self improvement and understanding this importance. This book will help you make better decisions based on your self worth.

    You can fill out the first page and then see your book.....It has helped me and many others I know tremendously in their life...See it at the site below.  You are here for a purpose. You can figure that purpose out by learning how to accomplish any self image problems. YOU deserve the best !!! Go after it !

  4. it keeps you from living life to the fullest, from taking any risks, and from being involved with other people because you're afraid of rejection, of being criticized and judged.  ironically, you probably will unless you get help and find your value to humanity.  people with low self-esteem tend to smother their feelings in booze, drugs, tobacco or other addictive behavior.  anything to avoid the emotional pain that is their sorry lives.

    part of acquiring self-respect is experience - seeing that you're capable of doing good things - part can be self-help reading and part is usually therapy and the right diagnosis and meds for any underlying mental health problem.  it's so amazingly straightforward that it amazes me that people continue to be miserable.

  5. Well, it makes you feel crappy about yourself. Which reflects how you see the world, which makes you depressed and angry.

    The way low self-esteem has effected my life is that I had poor self-respect for myself and let people walk all over me, just to please them. If I made other happy, it made me happy - - - for a little bit. Poor self-esteem = poor self worth. If someone doesn't believe in themselves enough, they aren't gonna get very far. Or very happy with themselves.

  6. I have extremely low self-esteem and I'd have to say it completely messes up your life, you hate yourself and if you hate yourself everyone around you hates you, and then you hate yourself more

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