
How does making the richest people richer help everybody?

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How does making the richest people richer help everybody?




  1. In a capitalist economy people are supposes to get rich by investing and creating new industries and productive jobs for the rest of us. If all they do  is buy and sell assets and spend their profits  that stimulate economic activity, they don't help, because we all know how to spend money.

  2. Well considering that the rich pay up to 60% of all federal income tax, and considering that the rich constitute the cornerstone of the consumer market, it does actually help if they have more money. But besides that, if the wealthy are doing well its a reflection that the economy in general is doing well. But having the rich get richer isn't really about helping anyone, it's about what's right. Why should they be forced to take cuts in their income, or pay taxes at all, for government programs and benefits that they don't receive. The people who use those services should be the ones to pay for them.

  3. it helps them exploit others for their financial gain.

  4. One gets paid for doing things that others find valuable. Those that earn the most are the ones who are doing the things that other people find most valuable. It isn't that anyone "makes" the richest people richer; it's that they do things that others are anxious to bid for -- time talent, capital.  

  5. Sooner or later they get a guilty conscience and set up foundations to give money away like crazy. Witness Bill Gates but not the Kennedys.

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