
How does medicare reimbursement work? Can the patient be reimbursed directly?

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I'm a newbie to Medicare and how exactly it works. Are only medical providers like hospitals or medical suppliers reimbursed, or are patients ever directly reimbursed by Medicare if they provide an itemized receipt for medical supplies that are covered?

Can anyone recommend a guide/website/book to learn more about this?




  1. go to

    They won't reimburse patients directly.  Too much fraud.

  2. If you're seeing Medicare certified providers, the payments go directly to the provider.  No exceptions.  (In fact, most of the transmissions are electronic...providers who receive paper checks are in the minority these days.)

    The only way you would potentially receive a reimbursement check from Medicare would be if you saw a provider who doesn't accept Medicare assignment.  However,  I wouldn't recommend doing'd have extra out of pocket expenses this way.  And you'd have to pay for the charges up front, and wait for Medicare to reimburse you whatever portion they'll give back to you.

    (Here's the part of Medicare's FAQ regarding "assignment" - )

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