
How does menstrual cycle occur? What is happening before and after ovulation? What hormones are high?

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How does menstrual cycle occur? What is happening before and after ovulation? What hormones are high?




  1. Before ovalution, the lining starts to thicken.

    Oestrogen levels are high if I'm not wrong.

  2. The menstrual cycle is on average 28 days long and is continuous ie day 28 of one cycle is day 1 of the next.

    The cycle is in two phases:

    Day 1 - day 13 (approx) is the follicular phase.

    Menstruation occurs on days 1-5 approximately.

    This phase is governed by the hormone FSH released from the pituitary gland. FSH stimulates a Graafian follicle in the ovary to mature into an ovum. The maturing Graffian follicle releases oestrogen which repairs the lining of the uterus (endometrium) following menstruation . Progesterone thickens the endometrium with blood vessels to cushion and feed a potential foetus.

    Day 14 (approx) a surge in LH (Luteinising Hormone) produced by the pituitary brings about ovulation (release of egg).

    Days 15-28 are called the luteal phase. The empty Graafian follicle in the ovary develops into the Corpus luteum which releases progesterone to maintain the endometrial wall for a potential pregnancy.

    If the egg is not fertilised when it reaches the uterus, the Corpus luteum degenerates and the drop in progesterone levels causes shedding of the endometrial lining around day 28.

    Long answer, hope it helps!

  3. During puberty, hormones are released from the brain and stimulate the ovaries. The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, hormones that cause the eggs in the ovaries to mature so the woman can become pregnant. Every month, one egg leaves one of the ovaries on its way to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. Meanwhile, in preparation for the egg, the uterus starts to develop a thicker lining and it’s walls become cushiony. If the egg reaches the uterus and is fertilized by a sperm cell due to sexual intercourse, it attaches to the endometrial lining and the woman becomes pregnant. Most of the time, the egg just passes through without fertilization. Since the uterus no longer needs the extra blood and tissue to make the walls thick, it sheds them through the v****a once a month.  

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