
How does mexico spend their holiday?

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such as religion and traditions...

i'd like to know (:




  1. Christmas in Mexico is a big celebration. We LOVE family reunions.

    We have Christmas trees but we add the Nativity to the decoration, in fact, if you don’t have a tree is not as important as not having the Nativity scene.

    Mexico is mainly a catholic or chrisitian country so Christmas is the day Jesus Christ was born, one of the most important celebrations of our religion.

    On the 24th., people go to mass before having dinner or in some parts of Mexico, after dinner, people go to midnight mass.

    Our Christmas carols are focused in the birth of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, than in Santa Claus or sleigh rides or snow (I love those songs, don't get me wrong).

    In the states that border the USA usually eat turkey and mashed potatoes… because this region is more influenced by the American culture, but they do add some dishes that are traditional in other parts of Mexico in this season, like tamales, romeritos with mole (its a typical dish made of romerito grass and mole with shrimp cakes), bacalao (a fish dish originated in the Veracruz state and influenced by Spain cuisine)...

    We also eat "buñuelos" wich is a dessert made only in this season, and "champurrado" which is a beverage made of chocolate, cinnamon and corn flour.

    Also we have the Posadas, a beautiful tradition:

    Nine days before the 24th. or "Noche Buena" as we call it, we begin a series of prayers before the nativity set, either at our own house, or at the neighborhood church.

    After we pray, we start singing around the block or rooms of the house to remember and honor the struggle it was for Joseph and Mary to find a place to stay.

    This chant ends with the recipient family opening the doors to let the Holy Family come in and have warm and secure place to stay so Jesus can be born.

    Then, the owner of the house gives out food to his guests and we brake the piñata (which symbolizes the tricks the devil uses to lure you into sin, when you brake the piñata you triumph over him and you receive all the good things in life represented by the candy and fruit).

    Its a beautiful, joyful and a well preserved tradition that I personally love to do.

    We do however, have the Santa Claus story, since we live in a global world, but as a side event, like a bonus, and we do give out presents like in the USA.

    Usually in Mexico it was accustomed to give presents on January 6th. the day the 3 wise man found Jesus.

    So we also give out presents this days, just one or two for the kids. But we celebrate this day with the Rosca de Reyes (king's bread or bunt, its similar to the fruit cake but lighter). The Rosca de Reyes is filled with plastic babies that represent baby Jesus, if you are the one that finds him in your piece of bread you have to make a party on February 2nd., when you are supposed to take of the nativity until next year.

    So as you see, in Mexico we finish until february 2nd. All though this day is not celebrated anymore like it used to be, but usually somebody brings tamales to work or your house, but that's it.

  2. All major parties or celebrations include, big dinner, drinks (beers, tequilas and such) and dancing.

    Religious holidays or traditions are spent: like that going to church, praying etc etc this depends on the holiday and the town mostly.

  3. ese tal wildwood es un p3^¿3¡0!!!


    , i´m from México, we like to spend our holidays on  the beach, but when we don't have a lot of money we like to be in our cities with our families. The towns of mexico have a lot of things for do without spend much money, cultural things, concerts, expositions all for free etc...

    sorry if my english is not very good, i'm still learning

  4. crossing the border it's tradition

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