
How does military time work?

by  |  earlier

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and where/when is it used?




  1. Instead of doing 1 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 12 am, it goes 1:00 - 24:00, 1:00 being 1 am and 24:00 being 12 pm.

  2. like a clock

  3. Standard 24 hour clock, just like a train timetable f'rinstance. The only difference is the addition of a time zone identifier, so 9pm tonight at present in the UK would be 2100A. The A signifies that it is British Summer time (one hour added). 9pm GMT is 2100Z.

  4. On a 24 hour clock:

    0100 is 1:00 am

    0200 is 2:00 am

    0300 is 3:00 am

    1200 is 12:00 pm

    1300 is 1:00 pm

    1400 is 2:00 pm

    1500 is 3:00 pm and so on.

    If it's 7:00 pm, just add 7 to 12 and you get 1900 hours military time.

    If it's 9:00 pm, just add 9 to 12 and you get 2100 hours military time.

    Get it?

  5. 12am  =   0000

    1am    =  0100


    12pm  =  1200

    1pm    =  1300         1:30pm  =  1330

    2pm    =  1400         2:45pm  =  1445

    3pm    =  1500         3:05pm  =  1505

    4pm    =   1600

    5pm    =   1700

    6pm    =   1800

    7pm    =   1900

    8pm    =   2000

    9pm    =   2100

    10pm  =   2200

    11pm  =   2300

    This is used on 24 hour clocks

  6. the hours go 0-23, not 1-12 am and pm

  7. ok, 1 am is 0100 hours. 8 am is 0800. (Examples)

    when you get to 12 pm its 1200 so instead of going to 1 pm after that you go to 1300 hours.

    5 pm is 1700.

    12 am (at night) is 2400.

    military time goes from 1-24 hours just like there is in a day. make sense?

  8. Keith M is right. The only anomaly is midnight. To avoid a confusion of dates 2400hrs or 0000hrs is not used.

    2359 hrs then the date ie friday.... or 0001hrs then the date ie saturday....

    Zero hour is a term used only to state the start of an event ie "Zero hour is 0630hrs then the date.

  9. I should imagine it isn't an issue if you don't have to pay for it.

  10. If it is in the afternoon, just add 12 hrs to it... IE 4 pm is 12+4=16  so 1600 hrs.  until you get to 2359 hrs and then it starts all over again.  When and where is it used?./...  Everywhere.  Hospitals, military installations, etc.  It is the universal time code.  :)  

    The more you use it, the easier it gets.  Get yourself in the habbit of saying 14 hundred hrs instead of 2 pm.  

    Ive been using it since I was 4 and it is second nature to me

    Hope this helps. :)


    Also... anyone who says 12 am is 2400 hrs, doesn't know what they are talking about it is "the ZERO hour"  there is not 2400 hrs

  11. it works on the 24hour clock 0100hrs 0200hrs 0300hrs and so on up until noon when it becomes 1200hrs then 1300hrs, 1400hrs right up to 2400hrs which is midnight. the military use it all the time

  12. Ok military time is based on the 24 hours in a day. So if you wanted to say

    1:00 AM = 0100 hours

    1:00 PM= 1300 hours

    and so on till you get to midnight then it is like this

    0000 or zero hundred hours

    it is used by all military components while on duty.

  13. The military use the 24 hour clock. So as midnight is 00.00, then you can kick the seargent without fear of punishment as there was no time to record the incident.

  14. instead of going to pm it just keeps going in numbers

    so 3:30pm would be 15:30

  15. military time is used for a host of things. Weather and siesmic statins use it as well as airlines and government establishment and some private buisnesses. Especially those companys that requiretravkinf such as a logistics company. 1 am thru 9 am = 0100 hours 0200 hours pronounced zero onehundred hours) ECT . 10 am = 1000 hours (pronounced 10 hundred), 11am and 1200 pm are 1100 , 1200. 1pm =  1300 hours. 2 pm = 1400 ECT until you get up to 2400 = 12am

  16. It's often used in situations where people need to be exact, and they don't want any mistakes to be made due to a.m./p.m. confusion. Military time starts with 01:00, which is basically 1a.m. You would say out loud "oh one hundred hours". This continues until you get to 12:00, which is noon or "twelve hundred hours". After that, for 1p.m., you add 1 onto 12 and get 13. So, it would be 13:00 or "thirteen hundred hours". For 5p.m. you would add 5 onto 12 and get 17. So, that would be 17:00 or "seventeen hundred hours".

  17. on op tours we use a time called zulu time which is the time from when the mission In Iraq the time is 10.45 for mission purposes we say 1100 zulu. Threes nothing to do with rounding up or down to an hour its to do with the time of the year

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