
How does milk effect tea flavour?

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This is one of the questions on my Food Flavour essay...and I couldn't find anything about should be about how their flavour compounds interact that gives some special aroma of milk tea...




  1. Milk will make the tea taste less bitter, and can generally make the tea taste "smoother" and easier to drink. Milk is a weak base (the opposite of an acid).

    As an aside, the casein in the milk will bind the healthy antioxidants in the tea and render them inactive.

  2. I think tea tastes less bitter with milk in it, if black tea I need sugar to sweeten it.

  3. it depends on the type of tea and its a regular tetly round and in like milk in night i drink herbal...theres no place for milk in other 1/2 likes earl grey which i would take black or with a bit of lemon ...but he likes milk in it which just makes me want to vomit..its the bergamot in it ...doesnt suit milk...but try a few ..its personal preference....

  4. I LOVE earl grey tea ,it's the only thing I drink & have done for over 10 years, I NEVER add milk or sugar as it impairs on the quality & the taste of the tea.

    I find it refreshing as well as calming. There is nothing else better (except s*x)for making me feel SO at peace after a hard day!!!

  5. Hope this will help...The custom of drinking tea with milk has its roots not in taste but with economics. The long journey from the Orient made tea prohibitively expensive. Milk, on the other hand, was cheap and became the condiment of choice among the lower classes...for more on this check out:  Julie for Bigelow Tea

  6. ask rachael ray!

  7. Gives the tea body and sweetens it...

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