
How does mining afect canada?

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How does mining afect canada?




  1. Pros:

    1. It boost the economy by producing more metal, ore, coal, etc.

    2. It strengthens claims to the Arctic by advancing farther north.

    3. It provides for more jobs, lowering unemployment.

    4. It draws people into the provinces that are mining, in Canada's case....north.

    5. It lowers Canada's dependence on imported goods.


    1. It destroys the Canadian soil and rock with open pit mines.

    2. It disrupts animal migration and habitats

    3.The Canadian north is isolated and rather hard to get to, so a profit could only be made with a well-planned venture.

    All in all, if mining is done carefully, so as to save the environment, and effeciently, so as to save money, more of it should be exploited in Canada. The result: A more powerful country.

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