
How does my SAT II compare with my AP score for World History?

by Guest67107  |  earlier

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Hi all,

I took the SAT II a month after the AP exam and i got a lousy 620 on the SAT II and a 4 on the AP World History exam... If i allow colleges to look my SAT II score, will they think that it is equivalent to my AP score?

In other words, how badly did i do on my SAT II? and how do i compare?




  1. I did the same thing.

    I gotta 4 on my AP exam and a 680 on my SATs.

    I think it might display that you were at the lowwer end of the 4's but idk.

    they may just look at them seperately. like your AP score is good but your SAT wasnt. I think that you shoudl probably take two mroe SAT II so you wotn have to rly on this score completely.

  2. wow! a 620 on the SAT 2 sucks!! LOLZ

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