
How does my eleventh House show what kind of friends or groups I might get involved with??

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My eleventh house is virgo with no planets in it. The ruler mercury is in the eighth house in gemini, conjunct venus, sextile a leo moon, and opposition a really early saturn and uranus in capricorn(both at or next to 0 degrees). Let me add that the ruler of the eighth house is mercury also in it's own house.

What could be said from this information about friends and groups I could meet or get involved with.




  1. For friends looking 12th house and lagna

  2. Here's the formula I use to understand house rulerships:

    The house over which a planet rules servers the purposes of the house in which that planet stands.

    So, input and ideas (Mercury) from friends (11th) who tend to be knowledgeable and supportive (Virgo) are influential to your psychic growth (8th) and influence your drive for finding power and intimacy in your relationships (8th). This influence would be magnified if you also have Scorpio rising.

    Having Gemini on the 8th refers to a need to communicate your deepest feelings with those you get close to (both friends and enemies). The conjunction with Venus and Lunar sextile suggests that you aspire to be elegant and convincing in your interactions with these people and that your reputation (Moon 10th) and feelings can be involved in these intense dealings as well.

    Your friends are on your side (Virgo) and can provide objective assessments when you call on them. Because friends may play a secondary role, be aware that you might take them for granted, which would be a mistake. Eighth house affairs are very transformative in nature and can be very disruptive. You must swallow your pride and leave your ego behind to make the most of them. Having the Ruler of the 11th in your active 8th suggests you have much transformative work to do. Guard against its overpowering influence by calling on the more gentle and subtle insights your friends may offer.

  3. Hi Rebel

    Virgo in 11th housemakes aperson critical of friends and more friendly with co-workers. Ruler in the 8th house indicates a loss of friends. You make some and you losesome even through death. On another level, it shows money deals with friends. Mercury makes you a good speaker and makes you profit from friends through your own effort.

    Virgo is earth and a dual sign. Although you are practical in expectations of hopes and wishes, expect changes in that area as well and the same for friens. You are always in search of something new. On the other hand, you mention oppositions from Capricorn instead of Sagittarius. That would indicate a stronger need to balance your moral values against those of others and until this balance is attined, then and only then will material resources be yours.

    Note: this is according to the aspects given. Are they in orb ? I don't have the info.

    Mercury conj Venus  gives personal magnetism and traits of a 'charmer", a graceful speaker depending onthe rest of the chart. Now if I take the opposition in consideration as you suggest of Saturn, it would imply difficulties involving financial matters and with obstacles which stand in the way of travel. plans are often delayed and or restricted or hindered frequently giving a feeling of inferiority to the effect that "the world is against me". On a positive light, it would teach mental discipline and repsonsibility.

    Uranus opposition allows you to experience"flashes" of  ideas and concepts but difficulty  relating to such ideas to the everyday world. The mindjumps ahead of itself and there is usually a degree of nervousness. This is a restless configuration and the mind needs Saturn's discipline otherwise, the mind becomes scattered and who will suffer? Your friends through natural rulership of Uranus (11th house Aquarius) and financial matters---ups and downs and always in an unexpected manner due to erratic Uranus.

    One last note here, Expet some critiism and find others against you when you least expect it and this may arise from your own attitude also, for you are somewhat inclined to sarcasm, and may even take distorted views of things. you have much of the reformer 's spirit in you but, it would be  as well not to be too hasty in the adopted methods.

    Moon sextile Mercury shows feelings flowing or working well with communication. You can communicate your ides and feelings pretty well but there is still restlessness although any movement is much more purposeful. If used negatively, this aspect can bring deception becaus you can paint beautiful pictures verbally to suit your needs. This enforces the" charmer " part of you. Note that it doesn't necessarily make youa fine person because of this aspect.

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