
How does my jumpshot look?

by  |  earlier

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is there anything to improve it?




  1. it looks pretty good but there's just a few things....if you want true free throw form, you can achieve it by placing you shooting hand upside down and straight in front of you, like you're asking someone for money from far away.  pull your arm straight back so that your elbow is right next to your chest, lastly just turn it around to face the goal and shoot as you've been doing, just keep your elbows straight.  practice a few times without the ball first, but it shouldn't be a big change to what you're already doing.  good luck man.

  2. elbow in more, flick your wrist, square your shoulders. shoot some free throws to improve on your j

  3. hey nice form! I shoot like that too. Keep it up and it will be hard for a defender to stuff you. I play in mumba basketball league and always shoot like that, I shoot my three's like that as well as mid-range jumpers.

    As for improvement... when in a game do a pump fake pretend to shoot then dribble and take a few steps or do a step back jumper and shoot that jumper in your defenders face!

  4. its good.. i dont see anyting to improve it.. then again, i only played center..

  5. try not to jump stop too much, because that slows your shots down. If you just dribble and pull up, then it will be harder for your defender to guard your shots.  

  6. it look like you got a pretty good touch on your shot but you could work on your form a lil more. Two things that you could improve is getting your shooting elbow in and make it straight, also get your legs into your shot more which will give you more range.

  7. practice your free throw form thats how your jumper should always be

  8. Straighten your forearm so it will be even with your right leg so your form will look better

  9. Wow, not bad. You hit a couple of nice shots. Just put more and more practice and you'll definitely improve it significantly. Remember, practice makes perfect.  

  10. I see two problems in your shot.  First, your off hand is helping push the ball.  It needs to learn to get off the shot just before release.  Here is a link to a training device that can help you with that problem:

    The second is that your lift of the ball to release point is happening in two parts.  The lift to over your shoulder, then the fling forward.  This slows down your release and flattens your arc.  Lift the ball from stomach height straight up in one smooth, strong motion.

  11. its nice but ur release should be a little higher and ur elbow should be 90 degrees and should be straight above your knee

  12. u rush into it, and travel sometimes try to jumpstop. U can put ur arms above ur head a little more, but other then that ur form looks fine.  keep practicing foul shots.

  13. practice your form a little more, but other than that, it's really good.  

  14. they rim is to short, but ur jumpshot is off ur shoulder, which is kinda bad.

  15. Sup dude,

    Well if it's going in, then its great!


    Never think if your shot looks good or not because that effects your shot.

    Take Marion for example,

    His shots are ugly but he knocks 'em down

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