My son is two months shy of turning 2-yrs. He knows his daily and weekly routine. Every Tu, he spends the day with his dad. He has had this one day of the week for at least six months where he could expect to spend time with his dad. This past week, however, my son's dad returned my phone calls inquiring of his where-abouts, to tell me he was too tired to see his son. I scrambled to find a baby-sitter to watch my son while I was at work. After work, I noticed my son was more clingy to me. At bedtime, he would not let me tuck him into his own bed. So, I brought him into my bed where he held me super tight and would not let go of me. He looked up and outside my bedroom window once to say: "where's daddy." I hugged him closer and told him: "daddy loves you" "Mommy's here" "Mommy and daddy both love you." Inside, I wanted to scream. Has a 22-mth toddler developed an emotional understanding of the situation? Help me understand what's going through my son's head.