
How does nevada affect oceans?

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how does the pollution, cars, oil waste etc affect the problem of ocean pollution? what waste is nevada "contributing" to the ocean?




  1. Don't you guys have any rivers? Don't they eventually flow into the ocean?

  2. Any air pollution floats around and some will eventually get into the ocean.

    But there are FAR worse places than Nevada for this, like China for instance.

    Their pollution floats over the entire planet.

    The biggest pollution problem in this country, is the fact that since the environmentalists managed to kill the Nuclear Power industry 25 years ago, we now get 86% of our electricity from burning coal, oil, and natural gas.

    Those two things belch absurd amounts of pollution, including mercury, into the air.

    Nuclear is an incredibly clean power source. The thing people bring up, is disposing of the nuclear waste, but the advances made in the last 30 years are incredible - it's recyclable  so that over 90% of it is used up, and the waste is unbelievably small.

    A nuclear submarine can run for over 30 years on it's supply that fits inside that sub!

    With coal, oil, and natural gas, there is literally trillions of tons of waste vs a small handful of nuclear waste.

    But it goes up in smoke into the atmosphere, so you don't have it to dispose of.

    How people see this as better, is beyond common sense and logic.

    I hate to say it, but the best thing you can do to help the pollution problem, is stop voting for democrats.

    Because they always go along with the environmentalists, who have been more destructive than anything, to our environment.

    We see their handiwork again, with this Ethanol fiasco:

    It's causing people to starve to death all over the world (because farmland is converted from food production, to Ethanol production), Ethanol is 10 times as polluting as gas, and it takes 2-5 gallons of gas, to make one gallon of Ethanol.

    Also, the average Ethanol plant uses ONE MILLION GALLONS of water PER DAY!!!

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