
How does one become a certified trainer of Microsoft Excel?

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I am very good with excel, but I find there is always more to learn. I've usually been the excel go-to guy wherever I have worked, so with a little more knowlege I could probably do alot more with this skill.

Don't just point me to links, I'd like some specific information.


by the way, I'm in the Los Angeles area.




  1. The two sites listed in the sources section provide information on microsoft training and their certification program.  

    Basically you have to complete the normal certification which involves a series of tests and then Demonstrate Instructional Presentation Skills which is another certification process that includes completing at least one class.  

    It is a long and difficult process which means that completing it will demand a lot of respect.  I am not aware of any other certification that would be nearly as well accepted  Good luck with your efforts.

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