
How does one become a diplomat? is there aspecific degree u need or any course u need to follow?

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How does one become a diplomat? is there aspecific degree u need or any course u need to follow?




  1. Diplomats are usually appointed after many years of government service.  They usually work in the government, in the foreign/external affairs departments. Check to see what is required to get into the foreign service.

  2. Diplomats, also known as foreign service officers (FSOs), are part of the U.S. Foreign Service. They represent the American government around the world and fulfill a wide variety of assignments, such as issuing visas, reporting on diplomatic issues, and helping U.S. citizens overseas. Diplomats' terms abroad usually last from two to four years

    Make sure that you fulfill the basic requirements.

    You must be a U.S. citizen between the ages of 20 and 59.

    Step2Avoid drug and alcohol abuse and make sure your finances are in order. A lack of responsibility in either of these areas may jeopardize your eligibility as a foreign service officer down the line.

    Step3Visit the Department of State website. You can look for it with a search engine like Yahoo! or Google.

    Step4Register for the Foreign Service Written Exam (FSWE), which is offered once a year in cities around the world.

    Step5Review and select from one of five career tracks: Management, Consular, Economic, Political and Public Diplomacy.

    Step6Take the written exam. Bring your admission ticket, a black pen, several No. 2 pencils and valid identification such as a photo ID card or a driver's license with photo.

    Step7Take the Foreign Service Oral Assessment. Your eligibility to take it depends on your performance on the written test.

    Step8Take a foreign language test, provided you are proficient in a foreign language, to enhance your eligibity.

    Step9Be prepared to undergo a background investigation as well as a comprehensive medical examination.

    Step10Be willing to serve anywhere in the world, including high-risk areas.

    Good luck!

  3. Diplomacy operates on many levels. Generally, *any* accredited embassy employee is a "diplomat," though many people work in areas that do not require as much interaction with foreigners.

    The link below should get you started.

    There is a Foreign Service Officer test that's pretty challenging. Since State looks for generalists, there isn't really any specfic major that's more useful than others. You need to write English well, since there is a lot of writing in the job. Beyond that, political science is not necessarily better than mechanical engineering.

    If you're interested, take the test. Get the sample exam. Get a book or two on how to take this test.  If you want to cram for it, you can't. But you can read up a bit on grammar and usage, Founding Fathers kind of history and the last few issues of a foreign events journal.  Good luck!

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