
How does one become a licensed mariner?

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Where in Canada can one go to school to become a licensed mariner, along with get a license for sailing?

Preferably on the West Coast.

And I don't mean just for fun, but for a career.




  1. your best bet is to apply for a job as a deckhand and see if you like the work.i would not recommend going to an academy before getting onboard a boat,i have had bad experiences with "ringnockers",academy grads in the past,they come onboard with their big licenses and shiny rings talking big talk until its time to actually do something like run the boat,then you see very quickly what they learned at college.Nothing!very good at doing the paperwork though,we call some of them our papermates.

    good luck

  2. They have a school that is usually free its with sheriff or the coast guard it's called boat and safety  class

  3. No offense to the previous responder, but it a quantum leap from a 6 pack to a professional mariner.  I assume you are talking about working merchant vessels.  Contact the Coast Guard near you and they can get you the requirements and possibly point you in the direction of any Merchant Marine Academies near you.  You will need to learn stability, construction, navigation, business, medical, engineering, electrical, maritime law and a host of other disciplines to operate what amounts to a stand alone factory/city.  

    Another option is to come up thought he hawsepipe and start as a deckhand or oiler and learn the job from the ground up and testing for ratings until you have the time and knowledge to write your ticket.  A big advantage to this method is that you find out if the lifestyle is appealing to you before you invest money in school.  

    If in fact you are talking about a yachty type license,  look in some boating magazines. There are several evening type programs or 2 week schools that grind out  "Captains".

  4. The first captain license you should try to get is the  OUPV6

    The class will give you the basics and allow you "legally" to carry no more than 6 paying customers. After this you will need to show logged experience to upgrade to larger vessels and more occupants.

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