
How does one become a professional historian?

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I’m aware there’s a great deal of education needed to get there, a degree, maybe a masters and/or a PhD etc... But aside from the educational prerequisites exactly how do you become a professional historian?




  1. thats what i wanna be to

  2. Hi A.

    You are already a third of the way there.

    The most direct way is having some of your work published.

    Pick an area in History you are interested in. Locate something in which there has been poor research undertaken or very little written about. Most Historians combine these publications with their PhD. Theses.

    At the moment I am researching the life of Queen Amina of Zaria.

    Publish , publish , publish.

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck.


  3. i have no idea

  4. You become known in your field by publishing scholarly articles and presenting papers at academic conferences; you delve into primary sources and try to find new angles and undiscovered facts; then you write a book and get it published.  Then you write more books and go on lecture tours.  Meanwhile, you should probably be on a college or university faculty.

  5. get a job as a professor or write books.

  6. apply to work for TV its one way

  7. Thats pretty much it, when your doin a PhD your going to write a thesis so yeah your on your way to be one!

    Good Luck!

  8. Cathorio is right. What you need is to become affiliated with a particular institution (which, if you're already doing a degree, I presume you are).

    Whilst as another answerer pointed out you don't REALLY need all of those credentials, they certainly make life a lot easier. Academics will tend to pay your theories more attention, along with publishing houses and the general public. Also the more you are educated, the more you'll understand your field and be able to write structured arguments- stands to reason!

    You'll need to specialise. You don't hear of professional 'historians' as much as you hear of 'Napoleonic historians' or 'post-Colonial historians'. So find an area that really interests you and excel at it! Never stop reading and writing. Aim to reach the zenith of a particular sub-specialisation; find out who is already there and pick their work apart- challenge what you can, but remember to keep your facts based on what you have learnt and not to directly insult that person!

    As a final note, I'd advise you to get something small publishing as soon as possible- a Masters' thesis would be ideal, or if you're really gifted, you Undergrad dissertation. Even a paper in a local historical society newsletter might do the job. This sort of exposure will heighten you chances of getting a fully funded PhD- a University will actually pay you to study there, as if it were an actual job!

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do, but remember- all of that study only greases the wheels, it's up to you to get as far as you can!

  9. You will need to buy yourself a Tweed jacket with leather elbow patches.


    Quote from:

    " the best way is to take a B.A. degree in History, MA and PHD in History, specializing in a specific area of history and teaching, working in historical museums, doing research on historic documents, volunteering at the Local historical society, reading everything you can and teaching at a college or university setting "

    Good luck.

  11. The question is "Did Herodotus have a PhD?"

    You don't have to have a Bachelors, Masters, or PhD to be a historian, or a professional historian.  If you think you need credentials, then go for it, but I don't have credentials beyond a Bachelors in history and I am published with original research.

  12. You need to do your degree and work  in a museum, university, school, archeological sites, conservation, historic sites etc.

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