
How does one become a race horce owner and to compete in the race track?

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how much money does it take to become a race horce owner and how do i get started and how does one enter the kuntuky derby my net worth is about 19.5 mil




  1. Although I've been in the standard bred industry for most of my life, and the knowledge of the racing game that I have, my advice to you , with your financial situation, would be to seek out the best  ! Acquaint yourself with the best trainer ! There is a reason he's the best ! He's the most knowledgeable ! He's a winner ! Don't waste your time with fly-by- nights !  He will have successfull owners you can get to meet who will help you with the financial end. You may want to start out as a partner until you get your feet wet. Once you learn the basic ins and outs, you can go it alone as an owner. ASK QUESTIONS ! ! !

  2. Be very, very rich

  3. train a horse

  4. if you're that rich, ask professionals, not people on yahoo answers. e

  5. It's not about money!

    And I believe that's 'Kentucky'

    Perhaps invest in some more gold teeth

  6. If you were worth 19.5 million then you would most likely be able to spell Kentucky, horse, and have proper grammar. However, owning a horse takes more than purchasing frozen s***n, you need to either breed (which is a complicated process that requires an in depth knowledge of horses, racing, and equine science), or purchase a yearling at a sale, such as the Keenland Sale. The most expensive horse at the Keenland Sale last year was 26 million. Financial burden actually becomes more significant after the purchase of the horse due to the fact that it would need to be put into training, with a reputable trainer, and the worst of riding horse trainers charge 500-600 dollars a month, therefore, a derby qualified trainer would be in upwards of a few thousand dollars a month. Go make up stories some where else.

  7. Yeah, right.  That's why you type illiterate, runon sentences with no punctuation.  Obviously you've had the best of educations.

  8. you have to buy a 5 million dollar sperm sample if its a good horse i think barbaros sample actually sold for 10 mill. Then breed and hire a jockey and start it in races and he pretty much has to win race tournaments and go almost undefeated

  9. Go to Santa Anita & ask anyone at Clockers Corner during the morning workouts.  I guarantee someone will be happy to lighten your load a bit & sell you a piece of the "action"!  All you need to decide is if you want to be a full owner or a part owner in any of their nice race horses!  Tell 'em I sent ya! LMAO!

  10. I dunno...thanks for the two points, by the way XD

  11. You should start here:

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