
How does one become alive again after intense despair?

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And how does one find themselves again from being lost and dead?




  1. Very slowly.  Like in the AA -  minute by minute.  Start reading, about people.  Philosophy, psychology, anthropology, etc..


  2. try swimming with dolphins :]

    I'm serious, it's clinically proven to make people happy!

    you'll never be alive again until you find something you care about, even if it's just yourself.

    sorry i can't be of more help. x

  3. You have to become a legend like fallenSE7EN to arise from the depths of the abyss and become one of the greatest of greats.

  4. hmmm....i even wonder sometimes whether i'll ever be alive or if life is just like this, if that is the feeling you get when you are alive and that is all. but is good talking about it and discovering that many people feel the same. you have to try to have interest in things, i.e. my pet makes me very happy, to take care of it, feed it...i don't know, it is part of the things that make me smile, help me hava an illusion. Helping others really really should make you feel better, you need something to help you keep busy, learn to accept life as it is (if you don't have great expectations you won't have great disappointments) and know yourself well to see what things make you sad or situations. You can also grow a little plant and see how it grows and gives you a flower just for you. I hope you recover soon and see the sunny side of life, that you will certainly find, but never forget that it takes effort from your side. All my support and go for it, cause it is possible, you can do it!

  5. I can only speak from personal experience, but it just seemed as if one day the sun was shining again after being gone for a very long time.

    After this happened I simply resolved to stop doing most of the things associated with my miserable time.

  6. blind happiness is the way, no matter what be happy just dont care for a day or two and it will wake up your sense of gusto in life, it will find the you hidden beneath the death of despair and revive your soul. I may sound crazy but just try living a few days just not caring and being happy no matter what, wait until afterwords to worry about anything. I would call this the mental vacation method to contentment

  7. just think of life as whatever you choose to make it.

  8. when he/she found an inspiration or motivation

  9. I went through that situation - despair is like a maze. I was in the middle of it and I couldn't get out. But talking is the only, only way I could get over it! You just need someone else to come into that maze and shine a flashlight towards the exit. It erally is the only way! I hope this helped.

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