
How does one become an optimist?

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And how rational is optimism anyway?




  1. I try and look at every situation and find the good side.

    I know it sounds ridiculous but you can do it.

    Believe me I have had quite a few 'obstacles' that could have turned me into a real pessimist but somehow I have managed to turn myself around and try and learn from each setback.

    How rational is optimism? Probably as rational as pessimism, maybe it's a choice we make.

    My mum calls me the 'eternal optimist'

    Mind you, sometimes it's VERY hard :(((

    I'm tough :))

  2. Opyimists focus their mind on positive thinking n resolve any negativity. The rationality is that they become well-oriented, wide perceptions and mostly successful.

    *i'm a pessimist*

    "The optimists stare at the beauty of the rose, the pessimists stare at its thorns oblivious to the rose"

  3. Be happy with who you are.  Looking for the brighter side of situations is not being an optimist, it is making good sense, however.  If you find yourself in a tunnel, what makes more sense: to head to the light, the darkness, or wait for someone to rescue you?  I know that every situation is different and has a different solutions or recommended action, but at least trying to think of a solution is a positive step.  I don't see myself as an optimist or a pessimist, but a realist: A person who hopes for the best, prepares for the worst, and works for a better way.  

  4. I'd say optimism is extremely rational. There is a thing called "self fulfilling prophecy" which essentially says that you will act the way you think people view you. Some people get stuck in a bad self fulfilling prophecy and develop an incredibly warped self image. To become an optimist, try changing the way you think about yourself, or change what you think people think about you. Develop confidence and faith in the idea that things in life happen for a reason, and take that into consideration with everything you do. If you can surrender yourself to your own person, you can be a lot more proactive with the way you live. Good luck, it's totally worth it.

  5. The key to optimism is to maximize your successes and minimize your failures. It’s beneficial to look honestly at your shortcomings so you can work on them, but focusing on your strengths can never hurt. Keep in mind that the more you practice challenging your thought patterns, the more automatic it'll become. Don't expect major changes in thinking right away, but do expect them to become ingrained over time. Always remember that virtually any failure can be a learning experience, and an important step toward your next success!


    About been rational.. Think about it a Mercedes is a better car, but a Hyundai gets you there all the same.. Wink!

    Good luck!

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