
How does one become more eloquent?

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  1. Spend more time reading.

  2. You have to listen to the wise... that's how Cicero started...

  3. Just a couple days I asked myself that same question.  My conclusion was #1  read a lot, not only on one subject, but a variety of subjects.  #2 associate with people who have a desire to be great, who want to always do better than they did yesterday.  #3 learn a new word per day and utilize it and speak with confidence.  The sky is the limit.

  4. By reading more...

    Watching more quality films...

    Learning to sound lofty...

    Using a light-saber instead of a laser gun...

  5. self improvment books =]

  6. Stop trying.

  7. Reading can help extend your vocabulary. If you're writing with a word processing programme, you can try using the inbuilt thesuarus to find synonyms for common words, and use a regular thesarus when writing by hand.

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