
How does one become royalty?

by Guest21403  |  earlier

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I have already claimed my sovereignty by issuing my duploma -- a formal declaration of status as an individual who is sovereign and not a subject or slave.

This, as I see it gives me the same status as a prince.

What more do I need, in a legal sense, to have the status of a prince?

I am looking for answers which have an actual legal meaning, preferably, rather than discussion of bloodlines, the "divine right" of kings, or the rise of royal prerogative.

I was born in Texas and have been domiciled in California Republic since 1967. I issued my first duploma in 1981. I have been exempt from Federal Withholding of 'income' Tax since 1976.




  1. Well for it to be in a legal sense as in to have it on all of your papers you're in a tough spot. I believe to hold the title still you must have a nation "sponsor" if you will. Somebody to assign that title to you. However in your status as an American-BORN the only nation to do that would be the United States who cannot assign titles as part of their Constitution. I'm sorry but you DO need to be Prince of a nation or an entity. Princes do exist and those princes represent a nation. Essentially all you've actually done by pulling yourself out of that nation is to make you without a nation. Not being a citizen of a country doesn't make you a citizen. Sorry mate.

  2. In order for you to be a prince your father/mother has to be a prince/princess or king/queen. Get over it, you will never be able to use the style prince because you are not one, especially if you live in the United States. You are a citizen of the US if you were born here, and seeing as you were by law you cannot use the style prince while in the States.

    And you need to do your research, there are more titles then prince/princess and king/queen.  There is duke/duchess, viscount/viscountess, baron/baroness, earl/countess, lord/lady, etc. These titles are considered nobility, but not royalty. And  just because your father/mother is a prince/princess or king/queen, doesn't mean that you are either.

    For example Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex. His daughter is styled Lady Louise Windsor instead of Princess Louise and his son is styled James, Viscount Severn.

    Another example, Princess Anne, Princess Royal. Her son Peter Phillips, does not have a style at all along with her daughter, Zara Phillips.

    Second of all, duploma is not a word. Keep living in your fairy tale world, but you will never be able to use the style Prince. One way that you can become noble is to buy a noble title, but you CANNOT buy a royal title. Noble titles include duke/duchess, viscount/viscountess, lord/lady, baron/baroness, and earl/countess. Royalty is completely through blood. You CANNOT be styled as a prince.

  3. by killing or enslaving or everyone who has less money and power than you.....everyone........then call yourselves the royal bloodline....and oh  yeah...keep killing all who appose you...

  4. I would recommend reverting to feudal tactics, Why not raise an army and enslave the masses..... thats how it all began right?

    All you need is a proprietorial attitude and a bit of gusto and youre set.

  5. okay dude...

    you need a brief history lesson here...

    if you wanna know how it works... well...

    the "divine right" of kings were granted by the priests traditionally.... it was an equation of mutual power...

    the minds of the people back in those dynasties were controlled by the reign of religions... the priests had a powerful influence on the society...

    priests who studied astronomy could predict weather, eclipses, seasons, and influenced agricultural productivity by their knowledge on nature...

    so they held a powerful position of influencing people's mind...

    but their minds were often clouded in mysticism , which gave rise to traditions and rituals...

    religion always worked along with the feudal system...

    the one who owned much land was a natural 'ruler'... and by granting the divine rights to the man who possessed most land and by proclaiming him as the king as the god's chosen heir of the throne, the priests got a big share of land for settling religious establishments and they got a very high place in the society as granted by the king, the ruler...

    that's how the priests and the king held power in the society...

    ...and it has been followed that way only through blood line... and any attempt to confront was opposed by death in those days... but now, it will simply not be acknowledged....

    unless you can convince the pope to grant you that status ;)

    you really need some history lessons! good luck!

  6. You have to have some sort of nobility or royalty in your bloodline.

  7. I was talking to a lady a couple of weeks ago who went to some kind of seminar/meeting along those similar lines.  I haven't had a chance to fully look into it - but apparently, if you are prepared to go through all the red tape, correspondence, etc. you can declare yourself as soverign on to yourself.  And get back money from the Canadian government that has been withheld since you first got a Social Insurance Card or in the US a Social Security card.  

    Curious to know who else has heard of this.

  8. You have absolutely no legal standing to call yourself a prince.As a US citizen,you can not declare yourself a prince.We are a republic who declared its independence from sovereign rule in 1776 because monarchial rule wasn't working for us,England being too far away to see what was going on in the colonies and therefore not being able to serve us.

    The US government and my state of California will recognize true royal status in terms of etiquette,using proper honorifics,but that is all.

    If the US were to recognize royal status,there would be many royals running about.You can not get legal recognition for the status of "prince."

    A "Duploma" by the way  in the civil law, signifies letters issued by a prince. They are so called, it is supposed, a duplicatis tabellis, to which Ovid is thought to allude, 1 Amor. 12, 2, 27, when he says, Tunc ego vos duplices rebus pro nomine sensi Sueton in Augustum, c. 26. Seals also were called Diplomata. Vicat ad verb. This doesn't make you a prince! This is not a legal instrument that lets you declare yourself a prince.

  9. marry a princess is the easiest way.

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