
How does one businessman stranded in Nigeria get back home to his uk london?

by  |  earlier

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he went to work in nigeria because of strict policies he was delays many times, he was in near fatal accident while in hospital they said he did not let them know of his cancelation of flight he was laying in hospital, they stole his money for travel allowance at scene of accident, ran out of money, stay with friend, he has not money to get out of nigeria for he needs ticket,,this businessman cannot get funds from his account in london so he is stranded, he went to embassy and they said he needed fund for ticket, they would not help him because of his business in nigeria, for he has funds and is of good statute and has money detained in account which they will not send to him because he has clause for someone tapped into his bank account ,now he is stuck and visa will run out soon in nigeria,will nigeria support this man,,i fear this is making him mentally ill and cant cope ,,how does he get out of nigeria,,he has been robbed 3 or 4 times now,,someone has to be able to get him out now!




  1. Nigeria is  notorious for kidnapping anybody who has a dollar to their name and who winds up in that god-awful place. Your  friend may be let lose when bribe money is paid. Or he may be murdered so he can't identify his captors.

  2. Sounds like the plot of a bad novel......are you writing one?

  3. surely if he is a businessman then he has an office in the UK. His office will be able to book him an E-Ticket to get him out. all he needs to do is get confirmation that the ticket is booked and go to the airport with his passport.

  4. Scam, must have had the same letter a few times.  Tell him to walk.

  5. We do still have consular officials in most of Africa he should be able to obtain help without any problems if he is genuine.

  6. This does scream SCCCCCCCCCCCAM in your face doesn't it. If things are as bad as you stay he could always hitch a lift out of there or walk. He could also call his company and his family for assistance too. Personally I don't believe a word of this!

  7. This man is not a UK businessman trying to get home, he is a Nigerian criminal trying to take your money. Do not believe what he tells you, it is a scam!!

  8. You seem to know an awful about this situation considering that your friend doesn't have the necessary contacts to get out of there.

  9. if he is mentally ill -what can be done -seek advice from medics?Assuming what you are saying is true-as I as always do with YA -Q . he must be a crook  then.Is he not Nigerian born with Bri.passport?

  10. As if we don't get enough of this type of cr@p on email, now we have to put up with it in here too?

    Anyone that unlucky needs arsenic, not answers.

  11. The embassy should be able to help him get his own funds out of his account in London.

  12. What sort of situation is this? You said, "....stay with a friend, he has not money to get out of nigeria for he needs ticket,,this businessman cannot get funds from his account in london so he is stranded,..."

    Please do not demonize Nigeria. Many people are doing legitimate business with the outside world. People come into Nigeria and do legal business without any hitch. Why should this case be different that he is stranded when in fact he is staying with a "friend" Does this not smack of shady business? Why can't he access his funds in "london?" I don't believe the picture is as you have painted it. There can be no bad eggs without others helping them to be bad.

    May God save this person from all his sorrows.

  13. Scam, don't believe a word of it.

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