he went to work in nigeria because of strict policies he was delays many times, he was in near fatal accident while in hospital they said he did not let them know of his cancelation of flight he was laying in hospital, they stole his money for travel allowance at scene of accident, ran out of money, stay with friend, he has not money to get out of nigeria for he needs ticket,,this businessman cannot get funds from his account in london so he is stranded, he went to embassy and they said he needed fund for ticket, they would not help him because of his business in nigeria, for he has funds and is of good statute and has money detained in account which they will not send to him because he has clause for someone tapped into his bank account ,now he is stuck and visa will run out soon in nigeria,will nigeria support this man,,i fear this is making him mentally ill and cant cope ,,how does he get out of nigeria,,he has been robbed 3 or 4 times now,,someone has to be able to get him out now!