
How does one choose when in love with two people?

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I am a 32yr old woman with 3 children. I am married to a man (this is my 3rd marriage to a man); he is the epitome of the "perfect" husband. He is 43yrs old w/ 3 younger children. I met him 8/9 years ago, fell head over heels in love and got crushed when I found out he was seeing someone else while he was dating me for 2yrs. Time passed, we stayed in touch went through other relationships and came back together and got married. He knew that I love women and has been supportive of that, even suggesting placing a personal ad for a companion (he works 3rd shift I work 1st- so we barely see each other). He has never been married previously. I did place a personal ad and something that the woman and I went into as a purely sexual relationship wound up with both of us falling in love. I honestly am tearing myself up inside with what to do; my health has even taken a toll. To be honest if it was any other man I wouldn't think twice about leaving (I came to the conclusion before he and I got back together that I had been run over too much by men and was planning on being with women 100%). This man is patient, kind, great with my kids, cooks, cleans etc. he really is my best friend, hence the hesitation. Any suggestions?




  1. You can't help who you fall in love with. If you really love her that fact that she is a women shouldn't matter. You should be will to do anything for her or she is really just another friend that you share sexual benefits with. Sometimes you need to think about your own happiness and if he is that great of a guy I'm sure he would have no problem finding another love down the road.  

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