
How does one control his/her emotions?

by Guest63762  |  earlier

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how can someone stay away 4m wmone he/she cant live without with?

Like wt if that person has sleepless nights??? But the person whom he/she loves can not come back to see me 4 a few years. So how does one cntrol himself or herself???




  1. you have to take care of yourself

    while they are away

    eat healthy, maybe take vitamins

    and yes do get plenty of sleep

    take care

    do fun stuff, so you can distract yourself

    watch a funny movie and maybe do

    relaxing stuff, a bubble bath, candles

    and yes exercise

  2. I just want you to say keep urself so busy dat u dont have to.....remember(i m not sayin to forget him/her)...jst keep urself busy so dat u dont remind of dat.........its not easy but u can try..........

  3. One needs to be realistic, hard as it is, and not let the ‘emotional brain’ take over control of mind and body. One also needs to learn that ‘love’ isn’t ever over.

    Emotionally, with that significant someone gone, because of a broken relationship/death, the person left behind feels numb and devastated. The loneliness becomes a consuming fear of an (apparently) empty future. This fear continually pricks the emotional brain. Flooding emotions shut off rational thinking, and also prevent physical rest. Thus an extreme stress condition results over time – sleepless nights, loss of self-control, etc, as you say.

    Some people succumb to their fears and give up on life. But many others find courage within to get back on their feet. They can’t do it in one day, because it takes time to heal the pain.

    The first and hardest step on this journey is to actually want to recover. Then setting the self very small goals to achieve, like getting through one hour without breaking down. When that is achieved, the next step could be two hours, and so on, like learning to walk again putting one foot in front of the other.

    It helps to calm down consciously every time emotions threaten to overcome. It helps to practice deep breathing and relaxation exercises to keep both emotions and stress in check. It helps most to invest in work and other group activities that contribute constructively to mental and physical wellbeing, e.g., working with family/friends groups or joining a gym, so one learns to share with others of the world ‘love’ also of a different kind.

  4. Everyone can't control her/his emotions. However, a conscious effort to suppress the emotions often has negative results. It is better to cry when you want to cry, laugh when you want to laugh. In this way the emotion finds an expression in the outer world and becomes calmer. But if you have stronger urges like that for suicide, the above method will not work. Then you must consult a psychiatrist.

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