Please forgive my ignorance. I want to know all that is involved with converting to Islam. I have always been morally conscious (no premarital s*x, fairly modest dress, desire to do good works, etc.), but mainly this was done because I highly respect myself as opposed to religious reasons (I was raised Christian and my husband is Catholic). I state this because I assume this would make it easier for me to practice Islam, as opposed to a formerly a very secular person.
I have a few questions:
1.) What steps does one take to become a Muslim? Do we go to a mosque? Say a prayer? Go to classes, such as RCIA for Catholics? Who do you talk with? Or do you just show up at a local mosque?
2.) Do my husband and I need to change our wardrobe, or do the typical clothes traditional Muslims wear reflect *cultural* and not religious influence? For example, can we still wear our "normal" clothes as long as they are "reasonably modest"?
3.) What do most people find is the hardest thing to change upon following Islam?
4.) What is a good online source for more info or where can I find the Koran/Qu'ran (?) online?
Thank you for all advice.