
How does one convert to Islam?

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Please forgive my ignorance. I want to know all that is involved with converting to Islam. I have always been morally conscious (no premarital s*x, fairly modest dress, desire to do good works, etc.), but mainly this was done because I highly respect myself as opposed to religious reasons (I was raised Christian and my husband is Catholic). I state this because I assume this would make it easier for me to practice Islam, as opposed to a formerly a very secular person.

I have a few questions:

1.) What steps does one take to become a Muslim? Do we go to a mosque? Say a prayer? Go to classes, such as RCIA for Catholics? Who do you talk with? Or do you just show up at a local mosque?

2.) Do my husband and I need to change our wardrobe, or do the typical clothes traditional Muslims wear reflect *cultural* and not religious influence? For example, can we still wear our "normal" clothes as long as they are "reasonably modest"?

3.) What do most people find is the hardest thing to change upon following Islam?

4.) What is a good online source for more info or where can I find the Koran/Qu'ran (?) online?

Thank you for all advice.




  1. I just have a comment on hijab

    Women should wear hijab, however, it's not everything in Islam. There are so many Muslim women who do not wear hijab. Of course you'll be more devoted Muslim if you do so, but not wearing hijab is not end of life as a Muslim.

  2. 1) Steps to become Muslim: becoming Muslim is very simple.  One makes a statement of faith in Arabic, the meaning of which is 'there is no god except God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God'.  You must first believe it sincerely of course.  To get to the point of belief it's a good idea to study extensively, and if you can to talk to knowledgable Muslims.  To visit a mosque is good, as they may have classes for those interested in learning about Islam.  After you make the statement of faith, or shahadah as it is called, you take a shower to symbolise your new beginning, and from then on you are Muslim!

    2.  Well, you and your husband don't have to dress like Arabs traditionally do, though you can if you wish of course wear traditional Islamic clothing and it is a dignified and beautiful way of dressing.  For you, the majority opinon of Muslim scholars is that it is necessary for women to cover their hair, but that is not something that will be pushed on you - at least it should not be! - and it may take some time before you are ready to take that step to wear hijab.  Don't feel pressured to wear it until you are good and ready.

    3. I'm not sure..  Lots of things change in your life when you become Muslim and what people find hardest will differ with everyone.  It can be hard to deal with family and friends' reactions because Islam as a way of life is not 'valued' as much as other religions in the Western world.  To put it mildly.  : )

    4.  I find this Quran browser valuable as it has several different translations.  One translation alone is usually insufficient to get the range of meaning of the verses across, and it's good to get a wider perspective from a range of translators.  If you want to buy a hard copy of the Quran, try to get the translation by Muhammad Asad.  It's regarded very highly and he gives background information about the various verses etc.

    Here's the website;

  3. Look, that one guy answered everything you want to know. But let me just advise you here... your husband is Catholic. If you become Muslim this will seriously strain things. These are two totally different belief systems. Also it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to be married to a non-Muslim man. You cannot get around this.

    Also remember that apostasy in Islam carries a death sentence. Once you are there, there is no turning back. NO, I'm not bullying Islam, this is a fact stated in the Hadith (a collection of saying of Muhammad):

    "'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'"

  4. Don't do it.

  5. I am not a Muslim but I grew up in a Muslim country and was constantly pressured into becoming a Muslim myself.  I never did.  Why?  Because I know that God is so awesome, that I cannot approach God without a Savior.  Islam has no concept of a Savior.  Only Christianity presents a Savior.

    With that said, all you have to do to be a Muslim is to accept that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet.  Then devote your life to Allah and get your instruction from the Qu'ran.

    Islam is full of social conventions, customs of different locations, that tell you how to dress, how to act, how, how, how...   Look out for the Saudi Arabian model of Islam, it is horrible for women.  There is a lot of discussion on what Pure Islam means.  Its like everyone is trying to have more Islam than the next guy.  Just remember that most of this is garbage.  Its just social convention.

    With that said, I wish you well with your spiritual journey.  

  6. Why do you want to leave christianity?

  7. First, you need to read up on this religion/form of government.

    Try .

    Inform yourself before you bow to the moon god of Islam (yes,it's true; Mohammed's tribe worshiped a moon god and he tried to force it on the other tribes around him. He had to run for his very life - the Arabs of his day did not want any part of it! That is, until he came back with an army and said, 'convert or die!')

    Know that you will not go to Paradise for certain unless you commit jihad - you know, kill non-Muslims. There are LOADS of verses in the Koran that tell Muslims to kill Jews and Christians and anyone else who won't convert.

    Your husband can divorce you by saying, 3 times, "I divorce you."

    Go to for a little slice of Truth.

    Do your homework!

  8. by blowing up a building, then someone will contact you with furthe info.


  10. You can be moral without being religious. I dress modestly, treat everyone well and have only ever had s*x with my husband, I don't need an old book (that is full of hatred when you actually study it) to convince me I'm a good person.

    You're making a mistake.

    Your husband will now have permission to beat you by the way (Quran 4:34) , do you really want to get involved in such a faith? I seriously dont know what the h**l goes through peoples minds sometmes but each to their own I guess..  

  11. 1. Declare that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his last messenger. Oh, and then follow the many rules of Islam and go to a mosque.

    2. The husband is likely fine, a woman has to wear a hijab (scarf that covers hair), and cover all but her hands.

    3. No pork, and the hijab thing.


    Edit: Not sure why I'm getting downthumbs, I was just answering the questions asked. I'm an atheist, myself, not a muslim.

    A note about something someone below said: "yes,it's true; Mohammed's tribe worshiped a moon god"

    That's a crock. The moon God the pagans worshiped WAS called 'Allah', but that's just because 'Allah' is the Arabic word for God. Arab Christians call their god 'Allah', too.

  12. Why not look more deeply into your own Christian heritage?

    Remember once one converts to Islam he or she cannot leave without being under a death sentence

    Do not rush into this

    Read extensively,look into the spirituality, ethics, etc and compare them with those of other religions.

    I myself find the New Testament to be very much superior morally, theologically and in just about every other way to the Quran and Jesus (L T,X) infinitely superior to Mohammad(PBUH)

    Be careful about saying the Shahada in public unless and until you are convinced and prepared for life -long participation in the Ummah.

    There will also be 'complications" since your husband is not Muslim. I knew of a woman convert to Islam who was 'hounded" to get her husband to divorce her since a male non Muslim cannot be licitly married to a Muslimah!

  13. Islam / Submission is based on= humbleness and truth

    it means peace, equality, and natural harmony

    If Islam rule the world:

    reduction in oil consumption to prevent the coming-soon to all = the world destruction due to global warming,

    Africa, Brazil, Bangladesh and every poor spot will be helped in 2ways :

    food + ways to have income and becomes productive


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