
How does one cope with an insatiable woman?

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How does one cope with an insatiable woman?




  1. I dont know ?

  2. be generous and share the responsibilty with your friends...

  3. Get a mate to help you out

  4. Can I have her phone number?

  5. how old are you?  find someone of youre same age or theres always viagra

  6. viagra

  7. buy her a good vibrator, if your talking about s*x

  8. Send her to my place ;-)

  9. get one of those ten foot barge poles everyone talks about :)

  10. Tie her up, wear some chains, buy some toys, and let it out!

  11. Spank her bottom.

  12. Have you considered selling tickets?

  13. Love it, don't worry about it. Get her to l**k her mate out.

  14. keep enjoying......simple

  15. Lots of vitamin E plus a copy of the Kama Sutra

  16. Satiate her.

  17. go to a s*x shop, buy toys, whatnot. whatever you need to keep up. :)

  18. Threesome

  19. buy her a vibrator

  20. typically if she isn't then she's fridgid and if she is she's a women never get it right ...............I'll keep stum on which I fall into .................

  21. Well, there are several ways to deal with that.  Some methods include sleeping pills, viagra along with vitamin E supplements, inviting more people to the party, applying rubberized "pleasure" components to various power tools(usually a Sawzall or chainsaw), and coating the tip of a jackhammer with latex and mounting it upside-down on the bedroom floor.  

    No matter what you try, the quickest way to calm the beast will always be blunt force trauma to the back of the head.  However, this can lead to serious negative afteraffects, so you may want to try the fairly expensive yet dependable method of chloroform.  

    In the end, no matter which method you choose, at least you're getting laid.

    Happy bumping.

  22. Give her as much "satiation" as you can humanly handle...and then some more...120%...

    (Hint:  You need to get off the computer once in a while to do that...)

  23. get that plunger out, and unclog her for gawd sake, or eat a bushel of watermelons, that way you can take naps inbetween

  24. I've heard of such women. They won't be faithful and will get s*x from as many men as possible. It's a sickness called nymphomania. Either accept her as she is or best to leave her or you might be infected with Stds sooner or later.

  25. Don't cope...but copulate!


    Jokes apart..

    There must be many dimensions to her personality.And i bet she won't be insatiable in all!

    So satiate her 99 other wishes and consult a doc for the remaining 1.

  26. Oh, there you are darlin' be a good boy & come back to bed so I can tie you back up!

  27. I have been dreaming about a problem like yours.

    Thank you for letting us know that such heavenly creatures exist.

    Good Luck ... and remember that nobody will probably cry at your funeral.

  28. well i enjoy it very much but  i do feel your pain my g/f can go like the Energizer bunny and well we have got her toys and not just one we have like 12 to 13 ( never know what she is in the mood for) remember theres always oral and fingers to use as well

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