
How does one define a Do-Gooder?

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One who has good Intentions -or someone who might do a good turn ?

Or one who believes that whatever the consequences he knows what is best that needs to be done? OR does A Do-Gooder generally end up causing more grief than before? Is it not the fact that a DO-Gooder is generally not referred to as a Charitable Person would be?




  1. It would seem that you have both posed the question , and in the addiitional statement have answered your own Q. therefore there is nothing more one can  add.

  2. Depending upon the context, the term do-gooder could be complimentary or derogatory.

  3. the term 'do gooder' in this country generally means some one who has a tunnelled answer to a single problem with out thought or care for the bigger picture. a good example is to allow thousands of immigrants over the border in order to boost the work force and economy, but having little or no thought for the fact that you are also opening the doors to terrorists criminals and scroungers, putting a huge strain on the infrastructure, and trashing the fears of the indigenous people who 'supposedly' own the country. another example is giving human rights to people who quite obviously have no regard for the human rights of others,

  4. that's hard to define and be specific... it can be taken two ways and does depend in what context it is been used.

  5. A do-gooder is generally used as a negative term. I would say it denotes someone who does not think through the long-term consequences of their actions and whose prime motivation, however ostensibly charitable, is self-gratification and ego.

  6. language is a tricky thing and words like do-gooder mean 10 different things to 10 different people. personally, i like to think that it represents someone who wants to help but usually ends up getting in someone Else's business.

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