
How does one determine the predominant forces or fundamentals of a nations economy?

by  |  earlier

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For example, how do we know that 70% of our economy is the consumer? Which reports/data releases confer this conclusion?

I would much appreciate details and specifics- Thanks in advance!




  1. Well i actually think you start at the beginning

    Like what resources does that Country have

    What kind of trade do they do/ and whats the

    pay back to the country for the economy on that .

    I actually think lots of Survey Polls cannot be trusted

    Government or the like , for a long long time now

    because the questionnaire have spent numerous hours the

    way they orchestrate them to give the answers pretty

    much how they want.  And skirt around the true questions

    that are required and needed to be asked to give the

    people the true picture.

    So to me any Survey is always flawed. I am sorry this gives

    you more questions than answers. So yea where did the

    70% ffigure REALLY come from ?

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