
How does one explain racism to people who INSIST they aren't racist?

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I was given an extraordinary quote by a colleague. It goes: "The more worrisome racists, to me, are the liberals who don't think they're racist. I live in a town full of people like that. Community leaders, pastors, and yes neighbors whom, were you to point out racist behavior would externalize their resentment and perhaps their guilt by becoming preemptively and inappropriately angry at you for having pointed it out. In other words, they'd prove they weren't racist by demonizing and attacking you for having suggested such a thing."

I find this to be remarkably accurate. Is there any way to explain racism to people who INSIST they aren't racist?




  1. I'm a person of color and if I were being criticized by someone for being insensitive I would try not to be defensive and listen to what they were trying to tell me. But I understand what you're asking and you're right. No one here is going to get it. They're just looking to up their points.

  2. not really.... ppl like that are stuck in their ways

  3. yeah I would not waste my engergy.

    WOuld you apply medicine to a dead body?

  4. They won't get it.  You could put your energy and effort into something much more productive, like watching paint dry.  They are just in denial, and have a better-than-thou attitude.  Don't waste your time.

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