
How does one formulate an opinion on something?

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Anything from thesis statement in an essay to that dog walking down the street. Opinions are the wheels that civilization rolls on.




  1. Opinions are an accumulation of ones experience with "good" vs. "bad." Beginning, I think when we first realize that there is an "I" and the "other", this separation, dualism, Freud's "Pleasure Principle." Basically, when the baby first comes to realize that it is separate from the mother's breast, boom, dualism. Instinctualy, we begin to want and crave, then when we don't receive what it is that we want we form an opinion of "bad". And so on and so forth, what is "right" what is "wrong", what is "love", what is "hate", what is "good", what is "bad"...opinions, beliefs, yet they turn dangerous when we hold onto them without the possibility of change. So, I think instinct creates opinions. For example, instinctualy, we mate and from this instinct we form opinions about with whom or who is a "good" mate. Instinctualy we get hungry, and from there we form opinions about what to eat, what is good or bad food. A mother has an instinct to protect her children and from there she forms an opinion about who is dangerous and who is not based on her experience. In todays world I almost think that there are too many choices and so many people with opinions about them. Shop at Trader Joe's or Star Market, buy a red car or a blue one, this insurance or that insurance? These infinite choices suck the time out of living for most, do I buy these "flare" jeans or these "boot leg" jeans? Do I want "raspberry" jam or "blueberry" jam? When your really just cold and hungry.

  2. Just turn on the TV and jump on the opinion wagon of your choice.  Or read and form some good ones.

  3. Careful examination of empirical data, followed by data analysis and THEN form an opinion.  People far too often value their ideals and preconceived notions to the point of valuing them over data.

  4. If you have a brain and are capable of thinking, you have an opinion.  Get informed on the topic and you will know what your opinion is in no time.  What do you think?  Hey look, theres your opinion.

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