
How does one get good at pool?

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I've only played a few times in my life. Other than actually going out and practicing, any suggestions as to how to become a decent pool player?




  1. Just keep on playing and practicing, you'll get better.

  2. study physics, DRINK HEAVILY,  put money on it and you'll try harder.

  3. The fastest, most efficient way to improve at pool is to get lessons from a reputable instructor.  It's probably a good thing that you haven't been playing your whole life.  You don't have a lifetime of bad habits to unlearn.  Students like you are an instructor's dream.  You are eager to learn about pool and you are coming to us with an open mind.  There are also books and videos available, but they don't even come close to personalized instruction.  Check out the BCA (Billiards Congress of America) website to find an instructor in your area.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  4. PRACTICE!!!

    You know their was once an old saying back in the days. "Practice makes perfect"

  5. Practice, is all I can think of, maybe try an replicate a pool table at home.

  6. watch the pros do it on t.v and practice that's how i became a very very very very good golfer

  7. Other then practice there isn't a way. You have to practice- it's the only way you'll get any better.

    Sorry, but there is instantaneous gratification in sports.

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