
How does one get into blogs?

by  |  earlier

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I'm new at internet use but am enjoying Yahoo's Q@A site. I'd like to get into a discussion group but don't know how to go about it. Please help. Thank you.




  1. i have no idea. what is a blog? i am new to yahoo q@a .

  2. In many cases, one simply goes to the group of interest and asks to register.  Registration is free, and most moderators respond to such requests within hours.

    Example:  To join WGANG at, you'd move to the page and see if the content is what you're looking for.  In most cases (not all), non-members of a group can view some of the message content.  Like what you see?  Great.  Try to post a reply, and a message will come back noting that you aren't yet a member and asking if you'd like to join.  Just take it from there.

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