
How does one get into college in their junior year of High School?

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So how does one start College early?




  1. It would be very hard to get in to any college at that young of age without amazing grades and a great community service record. Very few people are able to get accepted without being a well rounded student. I would recommend taking AP courses (advanced placement) in high school junior and senior year. Most classes are accepted for college credit at universities nationwide. This would be the wisest decision other than having to cram a bunch of high school credits in order to graduate early. Good Luck!

  2. I just got a letter from the University of Southern California's special honors program. It is called the Resident Honors Program. It is for exceptional high school juniors who wish to skip a year of high school and go straight to college after their junior year. You have to have at least an A- GPA and a 2050 combined on the SAT or a 32 on the ACT, and you have to be taking a few AP/IB classes. You look like the type of person who could succeed in it. You have to apply by December of your junior year. Check out their website:

  3. Check with you local community college -- they often let high school students begin taking classes, especially if the student has advanced beyond what the school offers.  You may also be able to take classes online -- just be careful that those classes will transfer to the college you wish to attend after high school is out.  You may want to contact your future college of choice and ask them how to get ahead while still in high school.

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