
How does one get into livestock and rodeo?

by Guest33769  |  earlier

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I was at the rodeo yesterday and I was absolutely fascinated by the pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys, and would definately like to start raising at least one of these animals to see how i do? Do I have to have a license to raise a cow or perhaps a sheep? HOw do you enter animals into the rodeo? these are lots of questions but I really want to find out




  1. Watch the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) a couple of times and you will see why that you shouldn't get into rodeo. There is no place in there for chickens (of any type).

  2. try joining a FFA

    you will need to buy a live stock to raise

    find your favorite one and get started

  3. Truthfully, most people in rodeo and rodeo stock are born into it. That is to say that they started out on a ranch or farm and was interested in it as a child and grew up with the love of rodeo and the animals. That is not to say that that is the only way, you could attend a lot of rodeos and talk to the cowboys and stock contractors and get an idea about what it takes. A couple of points, you don't enter animals into a rodeo, they are supplied by a contractors, the contest is between the cowboys and not the stock. Although the quality and performance of the stock is very important. Good rodeo stock is very expensive and a good deal of money can be made if you are a good contractor. Now the big question, what type of rodeo did you attend that had pigs, chickens, and turkeys? I've got a feeling you are talking about a county fair or something like that rather than a rodeo.

  4. Rodeos and most of the livestock you mentioned have nothing to do with each other.  

    Perhaps the rodeo you attended is also attached to a fair ground, and a fair was going on?

    You do not need a license to raise livestock, unless your operation is over a certain size (google the word CAFO).

    I've been raising livestock since my early teens.  

    I use to live in Ellensburg, and attended the Ellensburg Rodeo all the time.  While I enjoy watching rodeos, I do not participate myself.  I did use to ride drill team in my teens, but lost interest (in drill team, not horses).

    You need to pick ONE animal that facinates you most.  You need to decide WHY you want to raise it.   You need to learn all you can about that animal, and it's needs.  You need to have the proper amount of land, and shelter for that critter.

    Example:  Sheep.  Some people milk sheep and make extremely fancy, expensive cheese.  Some sheep are wool sheep, and the people have them only for the fiber they provide...they shear the sheep and spin the wool into yarn.  Other sheep have no wool (hair breeds, like Katahdins) and they are raised only for meat.  Commercial breeders usually raise a combination of corse wool (used for rugs) and meat type breed of sheep.

    Cattle.  Do you want a milk cow?  What will you do with her calves ever year?  Do you want to raise a beefer to eat?  

    As for entering animals in a Rodeo, they have providers of much of the stock....the bucking horses, the bulls for bullriding, the steers for roping, ect.  You are highly unlikely to ever be able to break into that profession.

    What is sounds like you went to was a fair.  You contact the fair grounds, and pick up a "premium book."  The premium book will tell you about all the catigories, and the requirements for entering certain catigories.  Certain things are only open to children in 4H, or FFA.  Other things are open to anyone who cares to enter.  Just read the book, find things you wish to be entred in, fill out the form, and pay the entrace fees.

    Do you even live on some acerage?  If not, start with something very small, like rabbits.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    Former 4H & FFA member

    I raise meat goats, and meat rabbits

  5. buy some chaps and a cowboy hat, read up, and buy a critter

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