
How does one get over the feeling of not being good enough and feeling inferior to someone...(see below)?

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......just because you are physically attracted to them?




  1. There is no reason for you to feel inferior to anyone, Sir Count! You are a unique, warm-hearted person. If you weren't, you would not have asked this question in the first place. All people are attracted to each other first - how they look, how they dress, how they smell, etc. Physical attraction creates the dynamic to initiate a connection.

    We'll use you as the example for the following. You see a gorgeous woman (we'll use a female in this example since your orientation is unknown) and you would love to meet her. But there's this insistent feeling in the back of your mind (she's so hot... I'll never get a woman like her). How do you think you'll get to meet her? Try walking up to her and saying hello. Say something like, "I was just standing over there and, believe it or not, I was admiring how beautiful you are - the lights reflecting in your hair make it glow. You caught me by surprise... I don't see many women looking as lovely as you, just out of the blue". She will have either one of two reactions. She'll either think you are handing her the biggest line of c**p she ever heard and walk away, OR she will smile at you, maybe blush a little and say, "well thank you". She may ask you a question about yourself, you answer. Now there is a conversation going. At least it was an edge - much more favourable than standing in the corner and just wishing you could talk to her.

    This scenerio is just an example. If you never take a chance whenever an opportunity presents itself, you may miss out on the best thing that ever happened to you. And if she had walked away, she will never know how fortunate she would have been had she smiled instead. Her loss.

    ps. if I was the woman in this scenerio, I would have smiled, blushed and said, "thank you".      

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