
How does one get the energy to tackle a really big project, when one doesn't want to do said job? ?

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How does one get the energy to tackle a really big project, when one doesn't want to do said job? ?




  1. One sets a timer  for 15 minutes and starts on it!  Depending on what it is, you might want to make a list of the parts.  Making the list

    will help you see an order to the steps you need to take.  Then you

    decide if you are mature enough to do what must be done, and do it!

    I usually work 3 15 minute stretches on a project I don't really want to do, then give myself a break.  Sometimes it's 15 minutes doing something I want to do, and sometimes it means I can quit working on the unpleasant project for  the rest of today.  Depends on what the project is and how much I don't want to do it!

    Good Luck!

  2. Break it down into small steps even if it takes you a few days

    If possible do the worst things first.

    That way you have the easier portion of the project at the end and it gives you an incentive.

    All the best!:)

  3. Breaking things down into pieces is a really good idea.  And along those lines, I also write down every step of a project that needs to be done so I have a list of my specific steps to take.  

    1. Get everything off the floor.

    2. Swiff the floor.

    3. Sweep the floor.

    4. Mop the floor.

    You get the idea.  Anyway, it gives me a sense of accomplishment to be able to cross things off my list.  

    Good luck!  

  4. Try breaking the job into smaller portions and do one portion at a time.

    For instance, when the whole house has to be cleaned, concentrate on one room at a time.  Don't worry about what else has to be done.

    Maybe spread the work over several days.

    Good luck, I know how you feel.  

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