
How does one go about acting in a job interview?

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I have yet to get a job. I had my first interview and I think I may have blown it because I didn't get it! Throughout the whole thing, I kept saying this is my first interview and I'm nervous. (Dumb, you don't have to tell me!!!!)

My problem is that I don't know how to act. When my next interview should arrive, should I have a pre-interview? Kind of like a pre-test? What are some of the main questions they ask in interviews?




  1. Interviewing is a skill that you need to practice to get it right.  A lot of what it takes to get a job is Chemistry.  By that I mean - do you fit in, are they comfortable wtih you, can you be trusted, etc. etc.  The interview is a two way street.  First it is to help the employer determine if you have the chemistry they need, then for you to determine if you are really interested in working for the company.  Here are some tips..

    Go to and get the list of 100 interview questions.  go through the list and jot down some answers.  Practice giving those answers (probably out load and in the mirror).  Ask a friend to help by asking you some of the questions at random (but do it seriously).  Keep going to interviews and eventually you will feel more relaxed and be able to get through it easily.  

  2. Act like a professional version of you! Dress professionally!  You don't have to wear a suit, unless the job requires it. But you should wear dress clothes. Make sure there are no stains, or wrinkles. Hair combed, hands and nails clean. If you have any piercings, remove them! Unless you're a girl and then you can wear simple earrings. If you have any tattoos, cover them.  For some reason employers seem to have a negative attitude about anyone who is different. Go figure.

    Smile and be pleasant. Be sure to shake the interviewer's hand and tell them it was nice to meet them. Don't crack jokes. Answer all of the questions truthfully.

    Some of the questions I've been asked:

    1. "who were your idols while you were growing up?"

    2. "what is your favorite color?"

    3. "have you ever had to make a life and death decision?" "If so, what were the circumstances surrounding that decision?"

    4. "if you had it to do over again, would the life and death decision you made be the same?"

    5. "If so, why?  If not, why not?"

    Some of them can be pretty brutal (and in my opinion stupid at times) but they do have a very good reason for asking them.

    As long as you're honest there is nothing to worry about.

    They will probably ask if you have any questions about the position you applied for near the end of the interview.  Take a list of things you would like to know with you. You could ask about the dress code, break times, benefits and things like that, although most of the time they will go over that with you. If there is something you don't understand, ask if they can repeat it and then verify what they said. Like if he says you get two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. You could say something like, " you said earlier that lunch is 30 minutes, are there vending machines in the break room, or should I bring my lunch with me?"

    Make the questions brief and professional.

    Example:  Don't ask if the hot chick at the front counter puts out. My brother actually asked the boss that once. The girl turned out to be the bosses 16 year old daughter. My brother didn't get the job, but he did get the girl for about 3 months.  lol

    When the interview is over, extend your hand (for a hand shake) and thank them for the interview.

    A couple of days after the interview write them a letter or call if they give you a phone number, and thank them again for the interview. Be sure to let them know you are still interested in the job.

    Sorry it's so long! Practice in the mirror to make sure you're comfortable a day or two before the interview. Good luck!

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