
How does one go about becoming a professional showing rider?

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I mean, I don't really expect to be a professional rider, but I was just curious. I am not actually all that interested in becoming professional show-rider... I like working with trouble horses rather than just using amazing horses to make me look pretty. :) But how would you do it?




  1. To be qualified as a professional according to most association rule books- you must be earning money for either giving lessons or training someone else's horses. This is not to say that Joe Blow from down the road wants to you teach his peaches how to trail ride. The rule books state that earning money full time for training for a barn or person and that horse you are training is going to competitions. It could also mean that you are catch riding and have winnings of over $10,000.

    While participating in professional and open classes do have higher payout, the competition is much harder than if you were riding non-pro or ametuer.

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