
How does one go about having a child tested for mental slowness?

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my step son is 10 years old and shows signs of having the mind of a child half his age. we went to his teachers and asked them but teachers nowadays don't want to "label" kids with mental disorders. when helping him with homework he can never remember what he just went over, and i mean never. a 5 yr old girl who my wife babysits came home with her kindergarten school work, and was asking kyle questions and he was getting all most all of her work wrong. he wants to act like a toddler and drink from sippy cups, and prefers the company of children half his age.

now before someone comes on here and judges me and gives me the "how dare you be mean to him" and "maybe he's just this" or "maybe he's just that". the fact that i'm asking for advice in where to seek help, is proof of our concern and not neglect on the issue. i'm sorry if i sound bitter but i've read several posts on here and seen the judgemental responses when all the person wanted was an honest answer to their question.




  1. You need to contact the school principal and ask for an assessment for your step son. If you have health insurance, you should also pursue this privately. You would explain what you see to you son's doctor and ask him to also set up an assessment.

    Today there are so many ways to help a child with a proper diagnosis. What you are doing is exactly what any loving, caring parent would do. Mean would be to ignore these issues.

  2. Have the child's pediatrician examine him and refer you to a child psychologist for evaluation.  ^..^

  3. As soon as you ask for your child to be tested at school, they have a certain amount of days in which to comply.  Put your request in writing.  

    The earlier the intervention, the better and more successful he will be.  Better to be proactive than reactive down the road.

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