
How does one go about training a psychic gift?

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I think the Amazing Randi has developed a schtick at least as good as Limbaugh's, and he belongs in the same category. He's turned himself into a celebrity with simple-minded "proofs" that paranormal activity--which he consistently misrepresents--is bogus.

ESP is not an event that can be reproduced, again and again, in a lab. It happens spontaneously, and is triggered by emotions. An ES event is non-reproducible in a lab.

In addition, his Million Dollar Challenge requires that the psychic pay all transportation costs, and that they sign away their rights to file charges of character defamation against him. So I'll pass.




  1. practice! trust your GUT. It will never fail you. Just take time to rest because if you try to concentrate to hard on a subject it's likely to frazzle you. relax, let visions come, verify,let it go, wrong or right.

  2. The first step is to really make sure you have a psychic gift or not. Put yourself to the test. If you pass, your increased confidence could only help build whatever abilities you have, I would think. If you don't pass, then you won't be wasting your time, which also is a good thing.

    Discuss your gift at the messageboards at A lot of folks there are skilled at helping people develop experimental set-ups to determine psychic abilities.

  3. One posts in the correct category.

  4. Read the Harry potter series of books. They are by far the most comprehensive of all magical tomes.

  5. Go to the library and get some books on your specific gift.  Study!

    Learn how to meditate, it will ground you and help you focus.



  6. It depends what you mean by "a psychic gift".  Could you be more explicit?


  7. If you truly have a psychic gift -- congratulations! You are the first person in history.

    Everyone who claims to have a psychic gift is either a charlatan or self-deluded. it is very easy to fool yourself into believing that coincidences or unusual events are caused by supernatural powers. You have to be willing to really look at your "gift' objectively, and let others look at it, too.

  8. Demonstrate it as much as possible.Use it as much as you can.Show it off to people every chance you get.Win a few lotteries.Solve a few crimes.Do it all high profile.Practice makes perfect.

  9. I would suggest the book "Hands of Light" by Barbara Anne Brennan

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