
How does one go on stress leave? ?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know how one goes on stress leave? I am curious as I think one of our employees did this. Grant it I really not interested in this person per se, but curious as how does someone take a leave over stress? Is it a lawsuit pending?




  1. no. they had to have had a legitimate reason for taking a stress leave, along with a doctors or psychiatrists note. you have to be in really bad shape to go on a stress leave

  2. Here in the UK it's pretty easy to get stress leave.  Lots of people will go to their doctors claiming to feel run down, or having relationship-related problems that are making it hard for them to focus on work.  The doctor will then write them a sick note and "sign them off" work for a certain amount of time, normally 1 or 2 weeks unless its something serious.

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