
How does one know the difference between a "spirit guide" or an "evil spirt" from a Ouija board

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How do you know your "spirt guide" isn't an EVIL entity pretending to be something different?




  1. Well, you don't. Ouija boards, are a very old tool of the supernatural. THEY ARE NOT A TOY!!! Every time you use it, you open a door to the unknown. It is called the unknown for a reason. There is no way for you to know the difference. It could be your spirit guide, or it could be an evil spirit, or it could be an evil entity using your spirit guide. There is just now way of knowing. You could try having a holy bible with you, and pray the Lord's Prayer over the board first. You also could fry to find a spell to protect you. You could find that in any good spell book. But I still say don't play around with things that you know nothing about.  Ouija boards are also known as spirit boards because it is said that spirits occupy them and unless you make it yourself, and you know what you are doing, you never know what you will get.

  2. According to most paranormal research Ouija board spirits are always evil. Just my conclusion from what I have read.

  3. Demonic spirits work in ways to trick you as is pretty common sence. Think about it weather you believe in the Bible or not what was Lucifers main agenda? Deception.

    So is as true with boards of any kind of door like that. Demonic communication is very bad and it can get the best of many. Even experts in the area can be convinced and decieved. That sweet old lady who is talking to you in reality may be some higher form of a demon. I would just stay away from it all together. I had my experiance when I was in my teens and I will never let one of them around me or my familey ever again. I wont go into detail and no, there was nothing flying around the house, but lets just say it did enough to make my mind up to never touch one again.

  4. Matt 7:13-14 "Jesus said to him, I am he way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

    Satan successfully presents himself as "an angel of light" (2Corinthians 11:14

    I warn you plead the blood of Jesus over your home and the  lives of the inhabitants of your home and destroy the board!!!!!!

  5. Believe me from first hand experience "YOU WILL KNOW.

    When I encounter an evil entitiy' my stomack feels like it is tied up in knots, the hair on the back of my neck stands up. (animals will absolutely freak out), and the very air you are breathing feels uncomfortable, and oppressive.

  6. I agree. You have to try to develop discernment...which usually comes from experience and hindsight (a painful way to have to learn)

    Edit..I don't believe it's safe to make a ouija board either. I did and bad things still happened connected with it.

  7. What difference would it make, how could a spirit have any effect on you evil or not? It's not like it can actually do anything.

  8. There is no for sure way to know, unless you prepare properly before working with a spirit board.

    One must not fear, for 'evil' is attracted to fear.

    One must ground, center and put up a shield of protection before working with spirits.

    Asking that only good spirits come through is also a good idea.

  9. The oiuja board was originally invented by witches to communicate with the devil and demons. (why they sell it at Toy's R Us is beyond me- children should never be allowed to "play" with something that dangerous).

    Ouija boards are a very dangerous thing- and so are evil spirits. Of course it wasnts to be your "friend"- it wants you to trust it can dig it's way into your life.......and you.

    Ouija boards ONLY attract negativity- because they were made for negativity. They are dangerous because when you "play" with a Ouija board,  what you are REALLY doing is inviting evil spirits/demons into your home (or wherever you happen to be.) These "spirits" can and will attach themselves to you and make you a target. If they/it befriends you first, then you have become an easy victim. This is not a laughing matter- posession is very real indeed.

    My advice to you is to get rid of the board, and quit recognizing your "spirit guides" presence all together and just see if it goes away on it's own.

    If you choose not to take my advice, then at least do this- try to get to know this "spirit guide"......ask it about God. See if it turns on you. But whatever you do, ALWAYS practice caution. A Ouiji board is not a game.

    The best of luck to you.

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