
How does one learn how to sell cars efficiently?

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I have a friend that is able to get me a position at a car dealership but not just any car dealership. It's an exotic car dealership with the lowest priced car there is probably a BMW. Before I dive head first into this business I'd like to know how to talk the talk and walk the walk. I'm a car guy and know tons of info on cars but not so much the very expensive and exotic cars...much less do I have a clue on how to sell them to some s*****k with an annual paycheck bigger than my mortgage. So I'd like to know some tips and where I could learn anything about car sales.




  1. If you want to sell the exotics , you will need to learn them inside out .   The real big dogs with the money want to know what their getting .   If you don't know what your selling , they might look else where .  

         Don't try to B.S. anyone . If you don't have the answer , just tell them you don't know but you will get the information asap .

           When I bought my 530i last year the salesman are referred to as Advisers and know everything about depreciation , performance and every aspect

    of the situation on all their vehicles that cost from 35-150,000 and of course many people want to know what's under the hood , especially on the more powerful models.

  2. In my experience (with exotics) I've found that the salespeople I'm least likely to run from are the ones who don't look or act like typical salespeople. I like someone who acts like an old pal but not like he or she is forcing the charm. Don't talk numbers, don't make me feel like you expect some sort of commitment right there. Hang in the background if the buyer seems to know the car. If they don't, let them find their questions for you. Don't guide. I like giving my business to the guy who doesn't seem desperate for a sale. Quell your enthusiasm because if the buyer cares, it'll get tapped into one way or another.

    I once sat in the lounge at the dealer waiting for my car to get serviced and happened to observe a feeble younger guy trying to get inside a CL63 AMG. The salesman didn't take him seriously and that test drive never happened. Don't be that salesman. Even if you suspect bull, give it a shot. Where I'm from, you don't have to look like a million bucks to be worth it several times over. Never underestimate who's in front of you.

  3. Anyone buying a car like that, won't be looking under the hood much.  They are buying power, luxury, and image.  They want a car that not only reflects what they feel they have, but tells everyone that they are going places...even though they might only be the local trash collector with a nice pay check.

    So, with what you already know about cars, you can probably handle the technical stuff should you be asked.  Check out the web sites for the various cars and get familiar with what the options are when you 'build you own'.  

    Get all the brochures you can. With them, you can find out what the best, top of the line options are for interior goodies, and the bells and whistles that the typical luxury car buyer goes for.  

    And if you want to be a bit sneaky, go to another luxury car dealer nearby, and ask questions about the various cars.  Be a car shopper - and see what that sales person does.  See if they are answering your questions, as someone who knows about the workings of cars, or if they are fluffing you off.  You will probably find that you can do sooo much better!

    Good Luck.

    I come up with decent suggestions and I get two thumbs down?  What the h**l is wrong with people around here?

  4. ur the one being the shmuck you shmuck its probably harder trying to sell cars at a volkswagon then and exotic car place because if ur lookin for an exotic car then money probably isnt an issue unlike so one trying to get a car as a need more than a want and fyi a BMW is not exotic sorry to burst ur bubble just be courteous nice know the car ur selling dont look like u dont know what ur talking about kiss a little *** not literally and if theyr gonna buy a car then theyr gonna buy it if not then oh well i cant believe ur actually asking this question try using your head  

  5. you do nothing in your part. the super expensive exotic cars sell themseves. you can look but can't touch.

  6. Everyone nowadays is expecting pressure to buy and hard sells.

    Especially at an exotic car dealership, you may want to somewhat subtly point out the good features of a car without pressuring a buyer.  

    Chances are they will have to come to you if you are an exotic car dealership--there aren't a lot of exotic cars around and there are even fewer places to get them (although the market is smaller).  I'm not saying it's in the bag, but your chances are better than the guy punching Impalas at Chevy to demonstrate their dent resistance.

    Standard salesman tactics won't work.

    I suggest you grab a finance book as well.  You'll usually be dealing with higher-credit people there.  Know terms like balloon mortage, gap insurance, etc., be conversant and interested in getting a person the best deal possible.

  7. be nice dont pressure anyone if you pressure people then theyll walk away dont talk about numbers unless you sense they really like the car be like hey if you want to we can talk about numbers but you know heres my card get back to me when your sure about this...

  8. When you are a car salesman, the most important thing is SALESmanship.  There are seminars on salesmanship (generic seminars for people like Realtors, etc.)

    Remember that when people buy exotic car, they don't buy a car, they buy a DREAM.

    good luck...

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