
How does one make friends with someone who appears to hate them?

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How does one make friends with someone who appears to hate them?




  1. You don't.  To attempt to 'actively pursue'' that sort of goal, can make matters worse.

    Without further reasons / explanations of your circumstances, it is almost impossible to answer further.


  2. Understand that you cannot be friends with everyone.  What has worked for me is to keep interaction at a minimum with that person, and keep that interaction very neutral.

    I had a supervisor who disliked me and I made d**n sure I never gave her any ammunition she could use against me.  She finally left.  I got her job.

    I suggest you keep your dealings with this person on a low-key, impersonal basis.

  3. Difficult people often have some other problems going on, so it might not be because she/he hates you but because they have problems with friendships/relationships.  Being kind in the face of adversi

  4. My first question would be why would you want to be friends with someone that hates you? And, how do you know they hate you? Have you asked them?

    I guess I would say...kill em with kindness.  Go about your business like their actions don't affect you.  

  5. try making them laugh, it normally works

  6. Be nice to them. Don't respond to any nastiness, just ignore it.

    Try and find common ground.


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