
How does one make money as a group owner or moderator? does he get a cut from the advertising?

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How does one make money as a group owner or moderator? does he get a cut from the advertising?




  1. Yahoo don't give you dime from the Ads.

    To make money as a group owner, you have to use your group to sell a product or service that you provide, usually videos, or make arrangements with commercial sites to promote them for a commission.

    Edit: Oh come on, Crazymom, maybe a fifth of Adult Groups are showcases for video production companies, dating services, or (Yuck) webcams, (which you can get sexier chat for free by IM'ing friends.)

  2. it's against TOS to to make money off a Yahoo group.

    Yahoo Terms Of Service (TOS)

    any group will get shut down if it's found to be producing- accepting income- money via a yahoo group

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