
How does one observe Ramadan? What traditions are involved with Ramadan?

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How does one observe Ramadan? What traditions are involved with Ramadan?




  1. The moon god is full of moonflakes

  2. one would fast from sun up to sun down and spend the day doing various acts of worship like doing extra prayers, reading Quran, making supplication, asking for forgiveness.  Also it is good to go to the mosque in the evening for special prayers, gather with friends and family to break the fast.  Also depending on the culture, various sweets are a traditional part of Ramadan.

  3. Nice to read:

  4. Well as Dawn & umm Huda have said but traditions involve r diff most Muslim countries would have Iftar(food 4 breaking fast sold all over the city) "dates, drinks, sambosas, ..... " Families tend to break their fasts together & perpare esp items for Iftar, Many people have Iftar parties 4 family & friends, many like to break fast at masjids, ... so on. Diff countrie have diff traditions but the similarities is Taraweeh prayer. Iftars & lots of good deed is encouraged.

  5. well when the crescent moon is observed then it is the first day of Ramadan, it is expected to be on 1st or 2nd September, there are no traditions but we fast (don't eat or drink) the whole month, fasting starts from the early dawn till the sunset,,

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