
How does one properly mourn the loss of emotional parts of themselves?

by  |  earlier

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Let's see, details, details...

How about losing something minor that meant a great deal to you. The ability to communicate perhaps. How about losing a crutch in regards to how you've handled things in the past?

This can be anything and everything. We grow through losses and learning.




  1. depends on what emotional part is put away. if you put away the part of you that feels sadness, then you dont mourn, you just go on. if you put away thast part of you thast is happy, you have no need to mourn unless you want to be happy, and if you want to be happy, you dont put that part away, so you dont mourn. i guess you cant really mourn an emotional aspect of you that you truly put away.  

  2. Become angry, bitter, and hateful...

    Thats what I did...

    You should never give anyone the "keys to your heart."  

  3. think of pleasant things like walking on the beach

  4. I think you have to completely open up to the emotions that you are experiencing--don't try to cover up anything.  Let the emotions wash through--like the tides of the ocean....This is essential in healing.  I would even set time to do this each day, then stop--and try to focus on something else.  I would repeat this until all has cleared within.....

  5. Not sure what you mean!  Can you be more specific?  Do you mean how do you mourn part of you that you lost..part of your heart or what?

    If you are talking you were hurt and feel like part of you died...that will return.  You will have memories but time heals it all.  Just hang in there and be around those that love you and try to stay busy.

    You haven't lost anything of yourself !  It is just hurt and hiding.  It will patient.

  6. write about it


    thats what i do

    tattoos are nice too

  7. like ur heart?  u lost ur heart or something?  git urself on a donor list pronto!

  8. More details would be helpful...

    but i'd say listen to some hardcore/scream



    get some piercings

    a tatoo maybe

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